Modular organization of dynamic camouflage body patterning in
Cephalopods have the most sophisticated dynamic skin coloration for rapidly camouflage in nature. Previous studies have suggested that the pair of optic lobes located bilaterally in their brain plays a key role in controlling the expansion of chromatophores for generating diverse body patterns. However, the functional organization of the optic lobes and their neural control of various body patterns have not been examined systematically. In the present study, we applied electrical stimulation in the optic lobe to investigate the neural basis of body patterning in cuttlefish Sepia pharaonis and oval squids Sepioteuthis lessoniana. Animals were anesthetized by 3% magnesium chloride in sea water, and a tungsten electrode was inserted into their optic lobes with an aid of the stereotaxic instrument for electrical stimulation. The dynamic changes of body patterns were recorded by a video camera from above. 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تاریخ انتشار 2014